#microhabits are something that you do every day, consistently that leads to growth overtime.
Hi, I'm Brian Spear, transformative coach. I help my clients build resilience by incorporating microhabits to rest, reset and reflect. I've found over the years, that lasting change and powerful results come from the often mundane and trivial habits we do on a regular basis.
We can often be so consumed with big changes, big events, big big big. We can also be consumed with a work ethic that, well, requires big amounts of time and energy in order to get the big bucks.
With that, we can also overlook the small things and overlook some real potential to promote lasting change in our lives.
What I am highlighting here is microhabits, something that you can do each and every day that leads you down your path of personal and professional growth.
Something as simple as 20 min per day can lead to 2.25 hours per week! (And it's easier to find 20min in your jam packed schedule than it is to find 2.25 hours.)
Now the microhabits in action from a client success story...
I once worked with a tech savvy professional who was a leader in his computer programming industry, lets call him John. His partner encouraged him to join one of my programs and right off the bat I could tell this man was struggling and wasn't even aware of his struggling. John worked long hours each week with little break and his self care was drooping. This led to burnout, where he lacked energy, focus and stopped enjoying his work. He also stopped enjoying other things in his life as well.
I knew John had a really full schedule associated with work, so I asked him how he spent his mornings. He said woke up each day and the first thing he did was turn on his computer. Not breakfast, nor brushing, no self care just up and at the computer. And this wasn't a short visit, this was the beginning of his workday, and continued into the afternoon.
I asked him what it would be like to start his days different, in a way that didn't take too much time and launched him into his workday. I outlined a simple, actionable step-by-step routine and encouraged him to follow through each day, even if a client or his boss was demanding attention from him early in the morning. I told him to have a non-negotiable start time, meaning he could protect his morning sequence each day, without fear that it would slide.
John then began each day with a glass of water, sat for a few moments to simply breath and enjoy the morning stillness. I also found out he liked to garden, so I had him tend to his garden each day for about 15-20min. Throw in a simple and nutritious breakfast, which he was skipping before, and then launch him into his day.
At first I thought I wasn't serving John much, I thought "there must be something more I can do for him." I was thinking I needed to do more and that something big was going to serve him.
As it turns out, I got an email from John's partner, who told me that he's seeing really big changes. John was been sticking to his simple, actionable morning routine. He has shifted his priorities, creating a firm start and stop time to work, and also has been able to work less each week.
This means that John was able to take on a few microhabits that lead to large change in his life. I couldn't do the large change for him, and neither could he at the start. He needed to begin with microhabits, which overtime lead to larger change. He was satisfied with his professional life, as well as newly created space to enjoy his personal life.
I hope you've enjoyed this article and found value as it applies to your everyday life.
Stay tuned for more articles and insights.
Brian Spear
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